Monday 16 May 2022

The Laird Report Episode 15 Former SNP MP Natalie McGarry found guilty of embezzlement, a jury of her peers issued the correct verdict in her case, and a sentence of 24 months in prison is appropriate and justified

Former SNP MP Natalie McGarry has been found guilty of embezzling circa £25,000 from two pro-independence groups. The jury returned majority verdicts on two charges after three hours of deliberations. In order to paint a better picture of the real Natalie McGarry, I talked about an incident tht directly affected me. In this video I talk about another criminal trial from 2015, and her involvement with that criminal, Tommy Ball, in placing my personal safety in danger. I also cover her own criminal trial in which I state her defence was utter nonsense. Natalie McGarry is a horrible vicious nasty individual who has received a long overdue verdict from a jury, in her case 24 months in prison is more than leninent and appropriate.


  1. Great to hear you back.
    'The Records have Disappeared' - have we not heard that somewhere before. Is that not endemic nowadays within the SNP?
    Twitter is a hazardous environment. You need to be aware and avoid getting sucked into the vortex of hate speak.

    1. Hi Anon,

      I had to do this video 12 times before I got a version which I thought was acceptable and possibly entertaining. Twitter is a graveyard for many people who say silly things as you know. I have had a health issue for some time which needs a hospital solution to find out the cause of a spinal problem. Needless to say good days and bad days, bad days bring me to my knees in pain.

  2. When you look at the conduct of McGarry and of the Alphabet Women who attempted to stitch-up Salmond, it leaves you in no doubt about the ethics of those surrounding Sturgeon. Sturgeon herself is rubbing shoulders with Nancy Pelosi just now and reassuring her that we will be willing partners in NATO. That's after we close Faslane and Coulport. The Scottish navy will consist of the two rusting Ferguson ferries that CALMAC will reject as unseaworthy and PS Waverly.

  3. Has Jeane Freeman re-joined the Quango circuit? I heard that she had some made-up job title, was it at Glasgow University? It's something like that anyway. Cash without risk. It's the best way. Anyway, incarceration is one of the necessary tools of any Junta and it's good to see Police Scotland and our Courts retain enough independence from Holyrood to see some degree of judicial punishment applied to them, too.

    1. Freeman joined Glasgow University, which at her age is a joke, I have written before how the Uni offers a "home" for ex politicians. Her partner used to work at the university prior to going to Yes Scotland I believe. The Uni is just sucking up to the SNP, but at 68 years old, her shelf life is limited.

  4. George, I'm unable to watch Rumble videos, I don't know why but they never seem to play.

    1. You could try a different browser such as edge or firefox, it might be specific to your browser.

  5. I see there's been a Tory MP been accused of rape. I know next to nothing about the case but I'll tell you now that the accusation hasn't been made by a group of Boris Johnson's closest confidents.....the alphabet men or the alphabet you think I'm right there? No-one's going to warn all of the other MP's: 'I don't want to hear you naming the alphabet men or the alphabet women or you will all be in legal trouble'. Westminster's full of liars too of course, but at least you get a sense that it is the real thing; a serious parliament. Relatively serious anyway.

  6. .....and I read that the accused has been identified multiple times already on 'social media' - presumably that means Twitter. I'm not a member and so I don't know. Look out now to see if the Met hunt-down all those who have named this guy. Police Scotland would do it, but I suspect only to protect those close to Nicola Sturgeon and if anyone was found guilty at Trial they would be sent to jail for 9-months, like Craig Murray.

    If the Met don't do that (and I suspect they won't) then it is another sign of the ever widening gulf between Scotland and England. That gulf doesn't make us look good, does it.

    So, MSP's are protected by Police Scotland and MP's get to face justice the hard way.

    Does anyone know how the perjury investigation is going, by the way? Has that been kicked into the Police Scotland/Holyrood long grass too._

  7. Conor Matchett does a good job at The Scotsman holding that mob at Holyrood to account. He is persistent. He's exposed most of the information we now have about Covid in nursing homes and when the risks were known about and about the £580million bung to Sanjeev Gupta for the Invergordon smelter. You would hardly believe the number of SPADS and Ministers (presumably Swinney) that review these answers before they are sent-out. Was Holyrood not supposed to be transparent?

  8. A month after Nationalization, the Rail Union has told the Scottish Government to piss-off and has told their members to stop working overtime. You see, there are plenty who see these tools at Holyrood for what they really are. Nuisance value.

  9. I notice that Nicola Sturgeon invited Michelle O'Neill for Sinn Fein to Bute House and was all-smiles, warning the UK Government of the perils of a EU trade war if they mis-handled the Brexit deal with respect to NI.

    The problem with Nicola Sturgeon is that she only understands political point scoring. She doesn't understand political nuance and I'm afraid she has to be able to do that if she's going to get involved in NI politics. I remember Nicola Sturgeon saying that the Brexit deal was really quire simple and that the UK Government were making a mess of it. Get the picture? - Nicola Sturgeon doesn't get it if it's too complicated.

    My family are from NI and it's as complicated a situation as you will find in world politics. I'm all for democracy and if the majority vote Sinn Fein then let them have a go. But, in trusting Sturgeon they have wandered into the world of Scottish politics where absolutely nothing good happens.

    I notice that Sturgeon doesn't get much in the way of press coverage of the meeting. Michelle O'Neill would be better off heading back to NI and forgetting that the meeting ever happened.

    Anything and everything Nicola Sturgeon to

  10. We live in a country where almost 50% of kids from poorer backgrounds leave school being unable to read or write. We now hear that after 15-years of Government, the SNP have abandoned the promise to do anything about that. In my opinion, we were arguably better off under Thatcher.

  11. They've picked on Natalie McGarry because she's not that smart. Just a vindictive wee ned really. Did you know that the Fergusons shipyard in Port Glasgow racked-up £100million in losses in the first 9-months after Nationalisation. That's what you call real corruption. You can buy a second-hand ferry suitable for Calmac for £7million. Did you know that? God knows why we are all waiting on Fergusons.

    1. I assume it is so Nicola can have her two days at the launches.

  12. Spoilt opportunist, A food bank donation went missing, according to what I read.
    If that's the case, that's low!
    please support my petition, It calls for the removal of a statue in Edinburgh's Princess Street.

  13. Independence is just a front for crappy government and low level crime. As we can all see, low level crime tends to escalate year on year until it is no longer at the point where it can be considered low level. We are seeing that with multiple reports of missing cash. It starts at 600,000, then it goes to £6million, then it goes to £60million and it doesn't end there, does it.

  14. Nicola Sturgeon has been 'knocked for six' by Covid; that's despite being twice vaccinated. It's unusual, but not impossible. What's more likely is that she's hiding from some political crisis that's about to surface. Here's hoping it's a very bad one.


  16. Scotland is an industrial country with a heritage spanning back over a century. Look at the number of ships we built last century and compare it with the number of ships we will build this century. We now have a political class that we never had before and they are wiping out our industrial heritage. We have the situation where critical decisions on Scotland's industry are made in one-line emails from John Swinney and these emails are subsequently lost. This is the singular root-cause of Scotland's decline. This was not the function of Holyrood but it is what it has become and no-one seems interested in doing anything about it.

  17. 'The desperate needs of Scotland are obvious. Clarity of purpose, and heightened intervention from Westminster would be welcome along with much tighter discipline and accountability around the performance of the Scottish government.' Is this the answer? I think it is. I really fail to understand why the Secretary of State for Scotland allows this to continue, but he does.


  19. The following article by Brian Wilson explains why life in Scotland is now so inexorably and tiresomely glum. We are living in a country which hates everyone who is not a foot-stomping Nationalist. Hatred and dis-trust of the other has taken us all back a hundred years and while other countries embrace diversity of political views, we do the opposite. If I was young and leaving University with any kind of Degree, or if I had a trade, I would get myself out of Scotland and I would never want to return. Sturgeon has been a nightmare:

  20. Before I start, I will tell you that I don't know the answer to this question but I think it is something we should have a think about when considering whether or not Holyrood has been good for Scotland or not. Before Holyrood, the Scotland Office took to do with providing ferries to our Island communities. No doubt they were advised by Calmac, but it was the Scotland Office who ordered the ferries and made sure they were delivered on time. The Scotland Office was a tiny organization in comparison to Holyrood, but they would know who ordered the ferries, when and when they would be delivered. It was all done quietly and efficiently and everyone was a winner. I don't know if there were any problems or not, but I was never aware of any. I imagine that a new ferry was required every 3 or 4 years to ensure that the age of the fleet was no more than 20-years. Now we have ferries that are more than 30-years old, no-one knows who ordered the ferries, what they will cost, when they will be delivered? Who would want to live out their lives on a Scottish island nowadays? That's Holyrood for you. We worry about getting our bins emptied but if you live on an island, or even if you want to have a holiday on an island, the problems are far greater. I really don't know why these islanders vote SNP, but most of them do.

  21. Sturgeon has gone down with a mystery bout of Covid and so Swinney has taken charge. Welcome to Hell. We will soon have democratic standards more akin to the Congo basin than Europe.

  22. When it comes to historical institutional abuse, Scots law has low standards. Our legal elite has ruled that if the abusers are no longer alive, the survivors have no legal recourse. All of this despite years of ignoring thousands of survivors and being the last UK country to investigate.

    1. Scots law has low standards......full stop.

    2. Scots law works for lawyers and for John Swinney. It doesn't work for anyone else.

  23. KATE Forbes has warned Scotland faces a "very difficult financial position” over the next few years after leading economists said she may be forced to hike taxes or cut services. From Tom Gordon in today's Herald. I knew this would happen sooner or later. She's another History graduate and a bigot who hates the English. She and all her predecessors from Swinney through to Derek McKay have driven Scotland into a cul-de-sac. There will be no independence now - just year on year penury and humiliation that we wanted a parliament, we were given one and yet we couldn't make it work.

  24. I've got an idea for a new video for you George. It's just an idea. You're the boss when it comes to videos, but the idea might appeal:

    The Scottish Government have just paid £150m to fix the two ballsed-up hospitals at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow and the Sick Kids in Edinburgh.

    Another £150m (minimum) to fix the two ballsed-up ferries at Fergusons Port Glasgow.

    I've worked in private industry for a while now and if I had cost my employer £150,000 then I would expect to lose my job.

    Has anyone lost their job as a result of these foul-ups? Why not?

  25. If you're a poor kid in Scotland your chances of going to University are less than they are if you were a poor kid in England and that has never been the case before. I went to University in the 70's and my father was a bricklayer, another chap's father was a plumber and another a farmer. That isn't happening any longer and it is a sign for me that we have reached the terminus in Scotland. It's now time to sweep this incompetent SNP administration out.

  26. I'm angry with the horrible statistics we seem to have in Scotland. And I'm embarrassed. For example, the lowest life expectancy, the highest drug-related mortality, and the highest suicide rate.

  27. 'Scotland is a country being run into the ground by a nationalist administration based on secrets and lies. How much worse will it get under the hopeless SNP.' This is from the You-tube channel 'mercurious'. It's only been on the go for a few weeks. I watched it for the first time earlier and it's excellent. The SNP tried to ban it and that tells you all you need to know.

  28. It's time for another video, George. That's two weeks elapsed since the last one and so you've had long enough. Hurry-up, please.

  29. Is Ms Sturgeon still off with Covid? Hope she's not waiting in the house for an ambulance?

  30. They say that Dean Lockhart is a sensible guy. He's a member of the Labour Party and is someone like Adam Tomkins who didn't last long at Holyrood before he went back to Glasgow University. He found Holyrood to be full of thick folk and big-mouths. I wonder how Dean Lockhart finds it? He's a quiet guy and may still be making up his mind. All I'll say is that the average MSP is very much poorer in intellect and work ethic than is their equal number at Westminster. It shows, doesn't it? Even when we have the worst performing and most unpopular Westminster Tory Government in living memory, we would still rather have them, than the SNP. Here's hoping Swinney calls-in sick with Covid this week and we never see either of them again. I think that plenty would agree with me on that.

  31. The SNP now run less than half of our Local Authorities. What little chance they had of running some kind of indyref 2 next year has thus disappeared. I read somewhere that they were expected to pick-up about 44% of the vote and ended up picking-up 34% of the vote. Here's hoping we are seeing the beginning of the end. A few have in the SNP made themselves very, very rich while the rest of us are left abandoned. I count myself as someone with decent Christian values, but I cannot wish for anything other than to see the back of the last SNP supporter. They have killed this once fine country.

  32. Much as it's commendable for Police Scotland to pursue Natalie McGarry for 20-odd thousand pounds, were we not talking about a missing 600 thousand pounds just a few months ago.....allegedly trousered by the Murrell's? Has anyone asked what they have done with that? I remember the last days of Stuart Campbell's WoS he suggested that they spent it on IT equipment. That could only have been some of it mind-you. My old computer here cost about £400. That means the Murrell's must have 150No computers in their lock-up? Surely not?

  33. The MP's who have submitted letters of no-confidence in Boris Johnson are now close to their threshold (whatever that is....I think it's around 50No) It just shows you what an absolute vacuum of dishonesty we have going-on in Scotland in plain sight when Sturgeon and Swinney can continue with a brass neck unhindered by anything or anyone. Personally, they both make me sick and ashamed of this country.

  34. Scotland is still Europe's number two destination for inward foreign investment outside of London. I find that surprising. We must be starting to lose our grip on that, surely? There are still plenty of smart Scots around and a good education is never erased, but the country is starting to peter-out slowly.

  35. George....Perhaps you'll have time to write about Jack McConnell and Alex Salmond's staunch opposition to an investigation into institutional child abuse. Was it to protect the Scottish elite pedos who had prayed on children in care in Scotland? Both insist there was no cover-up, but as a victim, I know there was. Scotland is the final country in the UK to hold an investigation. I believe Holyrood was compelled to hold one, which is a complete disgrace and demonstrates our ruling elite's contempt for ordinary Scots.

    1. one thing about official investigations, they tend to find nothing.
